Neural networks master creative professions

Scientific and technological progress is gaining momentum, and "machines" are leaving fewer areas where human activity is still indispensable. And now, it seems, the turn has come for even the area in which humans have felt most confident: creativity. Already today, neural networks can be used to generate images at a very decent level.

On our site you can rate works generated by neural networks, and edited then in graphic programs by our staff, who are not professional artists. There are presented 200 paintings for your attention in a very high resolution: 9000 x 6000 px.

In future as part of the project we plan to collaborate with artists of different styles, who are ready for an 'Art Battle'. Already now you can compare some of the 'digital' images with the paintigs of real artists.

The "Art Battle" project. How to make money from it

All works created as part of this project can be purchased on the NTF platform and used as an investment. With the advancement of the project the price for the works of this collection on the NTF-platform should grow. In addition, the high resolution of the paintings allows you to print them on large canvases. Accordingly, you can publish them on various picture sites for multiple sales. Also if you wish to publish the purchased image we could place it on our online-shop with 75% of the belonging to you profits from each sale during one year.

Paintings are sold on the NFT platform only for the Ethereum cryptocurrency, which, after switching to "PoS" in September 2022, has become significantly "greener": is expected a 99,95% reduction in electricity consumption , which means a significant reduction in the total carbon footprint.

What do artists think about neural networks?

And what do people of creative professions think about this technology? The artists differ in opinion in the net. Some find it as unfair, what happening now. They believe that people appreciate most of all what was created by other people, and that's why the art should be rated by the quality and quantity of human resources invested in it.
Others say that it is an inevitable process of evolution. Previous generations were horrified the same way of scientific and technological progress by losing their jobs, but now we can no longer imagine our life without many of aspects of technological advances.
Still others esteem neural networks as just a useful tool for artistic discovery, generating ideas, or automating repetitive work. And they already profit by it full.

The first, who "accepted the challenge" as part of our "Art-Battle" is Ina Ribel, an woman artist from Germany. You can compare her picture with the work of technologies and vote for one of them at this link.

Cooperation with artists

We would be gladly to cooperate with you within this and others projects.

After voting it will be estimated the 100 paintings created by neural network getting the most votes. We will "match" them with works created by human in an inimitable style. Later we also have plans to organise an exhibition with the 100 images by neural networ along with the 100 paintings by the artists which will be "set against" each other.

Why the cooperation could be interesting for you:
The page of comparing your painting with the "digital" image will include your name, as well as a link to a web-site with your artworks. Because the "Art-Battle" project will be interesting to many web users, your artwork will be shown on many resources telling their readers about this action. For details write us an email.

If you would like to publish your artwork in the TOP-100, please contact us by email:

Repost about the "Art-Battle" project

It's free to use text and images from to tell your subscribers about our "Art-Battle" project, i.e. only for information purposes. The only requirement is that you schould give a backlink to our page in your post -

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us by email:


  • there were created first 200 images by neural networks and graphics programs.

  • as soon as all 200 images will have sold, a minimum of 200 images will be also created.

  • as soon as all 200 images of second set will have sold, for the first 100 most likely pictures of all images will be ordered the rest 99 works by artists with various painting styles.

  • as soon as all created by artist 100 paintings will have sold, we will organise a team for creating some video content such as TikTok, Reels etc. We want, that such content should behold a valuable sense and an opportunity for self-development for viewers (mostly young people), rather than a source of satisfaction of dopamine addiction. That's why by creating our team will be focused not only on the videoquality, but also on the meaning in videos.

About project creator

Project creator: A. Beisenov.

Short about myself and the goals I chase with this project:
- I was born and grew up in Kazakhstan, in 2002 I moved with my family to Germany
- in 2005 I have grounded my firm for the production of visual communication products of enterprises, which at the moment called "art trash GmbH"
- in 2020 my wife and I have founded a charity foundation for orphans in post-Soviet countries "Take my hand e.V."

Currently, I have a huge amount of experience, thoughts, ideas that I would like to share with the world. I would like to realize a lot of projects that could do a world of good. To implement them I need resources. And I hope that this project will help me to realise them.

Although life on earth is one of the best things that could have happened to us, it is still far from ideal. New technologies bring good to our private homes, but unfortunately our common home - the planet's ecosystem - suffers. To overcome the negative effects of technology, it are needed new, more advanced, and "cleaner" technologies. And my projects will also focus on attracting global attention to the development of this area of technology.